Tuesday 20 October 2009

Science Open Day

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 Today was very exciting. We held an open day in our classroom, to display the science we have done so far this year to teachers from our school and from another junior school in Ennis. It was a great day, and each pupil got the chance to man a table with an investigation of their own. Of course, we will do many more investigations before the year is over, so look out for our next open day in January or February. The investigations we demonstrated were: fingerprints, minibeasts, weather stick, model lungs, strawberries, helicopters, colour wheels, colour fans and acetates, smartie science, lions in cages, eggs-how to tell raw from cooked, in vinegar, how to get an egg into a bottle, dancing raisins, racing colours and string telephones.
Thanks so much to the Galway Education Centre for always showing so much interest in the science we do in class. Thanks to them too for the T-Shirts and goodies they sent as a reminder for us of our great day.

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