Wednesday 12 May 2010

A Living History Lesson

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

In school we are interested in History. We are learning about what life was like when our parents were young, and when our grandparents were young. Today we had a lovely granny, Mary (or Nan Nan as she is called) in to talk to our class about her life when she was young (in the 50s).

We heard about life on the farm for a small child, all the chores like milking the cows, cooking for the whole family and knitting, about walking to school, and what Mary's class and school was like. It is hard for us to imagine a school with no whiteboard, no electricity, no TVs, DVDs or phones, a fire instead of radiators, and only one container of crayons for the whole class to share! We are so lucky now to have running water from the taps in our houses, instead of having to take our horses and carts to the nearest pump or well to fill our barrels of water in the dry weather. We are also pretty glad to have indoor toilets now. It must have been very uncomfortable heading out to the outhouse in cold or wet weather. We liked the sound of growing all our own food, and of making our own clothes, although it is very convenient now to be able to nip down to the local shops to buy whatever we need.
Life for a child in Mary's time sounded harder than it is now, but Mary and her family sounded happy, just as we are now. Thanks so much Mary for your wonderful presentation. You make your stories (your history) so interesting!

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