Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Visit from a Nurse

Maths: Data: Pictogram of September weather

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Every day this month we have watched the weather. We recorded whether it was sunny, cloudy, rainy, wet, cold, snowy or windy. We also used a thermomether to take the temperature at 1pm each day, and used a rain gauge to record the morning's rainfall. Today we made a tally of the different types of weather, then we made a pictogram of our results. It looks like this:
We had a chat about which type of weather we had most, least, what would our chart probably look like if it was a winter or summer chart rather than an autumn chart. We love recording the weather every day!

Rocket science

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Create your own video slideshow at
We went to the field today to launch rockets. We needed a bottle, water, a bicycle pump, a valve and wings for the rocket. We took turns at pumping the rocket, and running after it. We could figure out which way the wind was blowing, by where the rocket flew. When we pumped lots of air in the bottle, the pressure made the valve pop out, and the rocket flew (the water came out as it flew). We tried launching the rocket with no water in it. It launched, and flew higher but not as far. Launching rockets is great fun.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Painted bins!

Monday, September 27th, 2010
We painted bins today. They look so nice. This is to tie in with our talks about recycling. Tomorrow (hopefully) we'll cut them out, put rubbish in them and put them on backing paper. They will look so nice. Keep an eye out for an update on this!
The bins are painted, and filled with rubbish. Teacher hung lots of our art in the corridor just outside the classroom. When she was done, our class went on a trip - to the art gallery (the corridor) where we had fun looking at the artwork, and admiring our own. It felt like a trip to a real gallery, and we felt very famous with our artwork on show!

Eggs from the caterpillars!!!

Monday, September 27th, 2010
Our caterpillars seem to have laid eggs!!! We have cabbage white caterpillars in school. We feed them cabbage leaves, and sprinkle the leaves with a little water each day. The caterpillars seem very happy in their new home. Some of the caterpillars seem to have laid eggs (we didn't know they could do that! we thought it was the butterfly that lays the eggs). Anyway, we are waiting patiently for some cocoons, then butterflies. We hope it's not too cold for them these days.
After some searching on the internet, teacher discovered that caterpillars can't lay eggs!
The answer seems to be that the eggs are injected into them by a parasitic wasp which hatch then eat the caterpillar from the inside out before crawling out (they really look like eggs!) We will have to keep a good watch on these eggs and see what happens!
Check out this article for more information

Friday, 24 September 2010

All about my lungs

Free play time

Friday, September 24th, 2010
In the mornings when we come into school we have free play time. It is our time to choose which toy or activity we would like to play with, and which friends with which to play. It is a great time for us to play pretend games, use the games on the computer, construct toys for ourselves, or to draw or write stories. We love this time together. Please make sure we are on time for school so we don't miss any of this free play time.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Safety First

Thursday, September 22nd, 2010We have been talking about safety. We watched and sang some fun safety songs (you can see them in the links on the History and Geography page). Some of the safety tips we talked about were
  • playing away from roads, keeping our eyes and ears open when crossing roads
  • wearing bright clothes and reflectors so cars can see us
  • walking on paths, not on the road
  • wearing seat belts and travelling in car seats or booster seats in the car
  • not letting mum or dad talk on the phone when driving

We alway STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK before we cross the street.

Stop, look and listen

Before you cross the street

Use your eyes, use your ears

Then use your feet!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Reading big books

Wednesday, September 21st, 2010

Teacher has lots of big books. We love listening to these stories, and we like it even more when we can read (or look at the pictures of) these books ourselves.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Friday, 17 September 2010

Thursday, 16 September 2010

What happened to Froggy, our classroom frog?

Thursday, September 16th, 2010
We got an email from Kay (our garden expert) this morning. She released Froggy (our tadpole who turned into a frog in our classroom last June) back home into the pond he came from. Today she sent us a photo of Froggy, relaxing in his pond. He has grown to be a fine frog. We are soooooo proud of him. Thank you Kay, for keeping us updated on his progress. Check out how much he has grown by looking at last year's articles on:
and and and

Number Activity time

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Autumn art: Autumn tree

Baby clothes line

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
We have been talking about when we were babies, what we looked like, what we were able to say/do/eat. We have brought some of our baby photos and our baby clothes and things to school so we could all have a look at the things we used when we were tiny babies. We have grown a lot since then, and can do so much more. The stories of us as babies are all history stories - stories of (not so) long ago.

Fruits veg and flowers from our garden

Counting Stick

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010We use the counting stick in Maths, for practicing saying our numbers between 0 and 10. Each number has its place on the stick, and we say the number as teacher (or a helper) points to the stick. It is fun saying our numbers like this. We can also tell teacher which number comes before or after another, or which number is in between two numbers.

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
Teacher had a balloon helicopter. We watched it flying in class. The air from the balloon makes the helicopter fly. When all the air is gone from the balloon, the helicopter drops back to the ground again.

Bertie the Yellow Bus

Friday, September 10th, 2010

He's Bertie the yellow bus

On his way to collect us

He'll chug along

As we sing our song

He's Bertie the yellow bus.

We painted Bertie the yellow bus, and we stuck on his windows, doors, wheels, and of course his big smiley face. He is a school bus and he is very happy to be carrying lots of happy children. We will be talking next week all about buses, bus drivers, how to get to school safely, and safety on the bus, and in cars. Please talk to your children about road and traffic safety - it reinforces all we do at school. Thanks!

Our Weather Stick

In our classroom we have a weather stick. It has a thermometer and a rain gauge on it. Every day one child has the job of putting the weather stick outside the door for the day, then taking it in and recording temperature and rainfall before he or she goes home at 1:30.

Would anyone like to be a weatherman or weatherwoman when he/she grows up?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Every day this month we have watched the weather. We recorded whether it was sunny, cloudy, rainy, wet, cold, snowy or windy. We also used a thermomether to take the temperature at 1pm each day, and used a rain gauge to record the morning's rainfall. Today we made a tally of the different types of weather, then we made a pictogram of our results. It looks like this:
We had a chat about which type of weather we had most, least, what would our chart probably look like if it was a winter or summer chart rather than an autumn chart. We love recording the weather every day!