Watch out for some of our class on two newspapers today
- Irish Examiner page 9 Sarah
- Connacht Sentinel page 3 Megan & Ella
Welcome to 2nd Class, Room 9. We have 22 children in our class - 8 girls and 14 boys. We work really well together and are great friends. Remember to click on photos to see them enlarged.
We like to keep our school grounds clean.
We have been awarded our second Green Flag and are very proud of our litter-free school. Today we all went out litter picking. We found lots and lots of rubbish near our classroom.
We were very careful to use gloves and litter pickers to pick up the rubbish (and we washed our hands well afterwards).
We collected lots of papers, plastic bottles and lots of sweet wrappers. We will be careful not to throw litter ourselves.